Bringing Hope in Prisons Archive
Chaplains work daily with a number of organisations who share our core belief that there is hope that life can change. Below are some of these organisations.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centred, Bible based recovery programme designed to help people address a variety of hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
HOPE brings churches together in mission. The goal is to see individuals and communities in villages, towns and cities throughout the UK transformed by Jesus’ love.
Reflex exist to empower children, young people and young adults to break the cycle of offending and reoffending. In 11 prisons, across 5 regions, they equip young people with the skills, confidence and opportunities to realise their full potential.
Caring for Ex-Offenders (CFEO), connects people leaving prison to a mentor and support team based within a local church. Please visit the website for more information:
Prison Outreach Network is a Christian network of volunteers working in HM Prisons, Young Offenders Institutions and Immigration Removal Centres since 1986.
The popular introduction to Christianity, Christianity Explored has recently developed a "Prisons Edition" of the course. In April 2013 it was reviewed in Evangelical Now Magazine (read full article here) and has already been trialled in a few prisons. In the following, two Chaplains from Wales describe their impressions of the course.
Clinks’ Directory of Offender Services contains information on over 1000 organisations working with offenders and their families throughout England and Wales.
Set up in 2012, Time for Change Ministries aims to write resources that clearly expound the Bible and present the gospel, while taking into account certain factors that specifically affect prisoners
Daylight exists to share the Christian faith with prisoners, support prisoners during their sentence and provide practical post-release support to ex-offenders to reduce the likelihood of reoffending.
Prison Fellowship aims to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them, praying and supporting them to change.
The Welcome Directory has a simple yet powerful vision: to help faith communities become places where people who leave prison find acceptance.
The band FinnyMusic led by Finny go to prisons and give concerts, lead services, share testimonies and give out “Freedom Packs”. These packs contain practical information and useful contacts as well as copies of the FinnyMusic CD and various testimonial books. Outside of prison FinnyMusic hold fundraising concerts to support this ministry.
Providing homes for the most vulnerable in society in partnership with local churches.