Daylight - Bringing change from the inside out

Daylight exists to share the Christian faith with prisoners, support prisoners during their sentence and provide practical post-release support to ex-offenders to reduce the likelihood of reoffending. 

From the Daylight Website....

Bringing Change from the Inside

Daylight works to share the Gospel of Christ with prisoners and to support them during their sentence by running chapel services, group Bible studies, writing to individual prisoners and visiting prisoners needing individual support.

We work in partnership with prison chaplains across the UK to help prisoners maintain contact with the outside world so that they are better able to readjust to life on the outside after release.

Stories form the Inside - Daylight works with prisoners and ex-offenders across the UK. Here are some of their stories.

Bringing Change from the Inside Out

Daylight also exists to provide practical post-release support to ex-offenders as they settle back into a local community so that they are less likely to reoffend. We deliver this support through our regional Prayer and Support Groups which are made up of Daylight supporters, both churches and individuals, Daylight’s prison team and partner organisations.

Working with prison chaplains, we can identify prisoners nearing release in need of support on the outside, and we can meet them during the final months of their sentence to help prepare them for release.

Through our national network of local volunteers we seek to put ex-offenders in touch with a support group in the part of the country where they are being released, even if it is different from where they served their sentence. This post-release support provides a vital bridge between prison and a local community.

To find out where Daylight has a support group and how you can get involved go to the ‘Daylight in your region’ page.

Why We Do It

Here are some of the reasons why Daylight exists to Bring Change from the Inside Out:

In January 2016, the prison population in England & Wales was 84,950. In 1994, the average prison population was 48,621.
45.2% of adults are reconvicted within one year of being released. For those serving sentences of less than 12 months this rises to 57.5%
97% of people in prison express a desire to stop offending.

For more information to get involved, please visit Daylight.