Reflection from the Free Church End of Life Care Workshop

On July 17th, 20 people from member denominations of the Free Churches Group shared in a workshop on ‘Dying Matters’. Presentations were made by Claire Henry, Revd Debbie Hodge and Revd Meg Burton. Individuals left with personal commitments to make a difference in their community, be that a local church or other place of work and ministry.

Revd Robert Maloney, Minister in Rugby and Brinklow URC Church and Chairman for the Bilton House Christian Care Home, said “This workshop was both highly informative and very usefully interactive. The Dying Matters Conversation was well presented by Claire Henry who facilitated dialogue with those present to help us engage with local churches and communities in issues of death and dying. The practical measures, which can be addressed in advance to ensure that the dying person's wishes are known and acted upon, were explored in helpful ways also with respect to aspects of spirituality for those receiving palliative care in the community. Both Debbie Hodge and Meg Burton used thought provoking case studies in their interactive presentations to enable us to more fully understand how churches are in a prime position to extend their pastoral care into a wider community setting of Dying Matters and palliative care. I came away from the workshop inspired to see how both as a Minister and a Care Home Service Provider I might enthuse my local context to see how they might be willing and able to engage more spiritually in the wider ministry of Palliative Care and Dying Matters within society.”

Photograph used by kind permission of Miss May Pearl Tun, King's College Hospital.