Free Church Chaplains Study Day


‘Meeting the challenge of a Major Incident’


Tuesday 7th November 2017, 10:30-15:30,

10:00 am for Coffee/Tea

Free Churches House, 27 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HH

The study day and lunch provided is at no cost to attendees.

Free Church Health Care Chaplains are invited to join the study day at Free Churches House on 7th November 2017.

The theme of the day is ‘Meeting the challenge of a Major Incident’, and we have been asked if we would share insights from the arena of Health Care with those from Higher Education and the Prison Service, as Chaplains in public institutions are often called upon to support and care for individuals, and institutions at the time of major incident or crisis.

We will spend the morning sharing updates and concerns in Health Care, colleagues from Higher Education and the Prison service will join us for lunch.

The aim of the afternoon is to explore processes and practices in the different sectors with a view to sharing best practice and developing a dialogue of support and ongoing development.

 Please find click here for details programme. I would be very grateful if you could register with Thandar ( so that we can ensure we have enough lunch and enough chairs!

 We look forward to seeing you on 7th November.

Debbie Hodge

Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy, Free Churches Group