Praying for Peace: then and now… — Free Churches Group

Praying for Peace: then and now…

Some of you may have already come across the resources for the run up to the centenary of the end of the First World War. I have found them to be an uplifting, thought-provoking and profound set of prayers and Bible reflections.

If you haven’t come across them yet, you can find out more HERE.

On 4 August 1918 King George V called for a National Day of Prayer. One hundred days later the war ended. ‘Remembrance 100’ launched on 4 August 2018 with 100 Days of Peace and Hope – prayers, Bible readings, reflections and peace-making activities. It is an excellent free resource which leads us up to the centenary of Armistice Day. Lest we forget…

We are grateful to the men and women who served in WWI. We are conscious that their sacrifice needs to be remembered and shared today. Recently I made a visit to Swansea Museum, where a group of school children were learning about WWI - their teachers asserted that it is vital that they learn about our history - the photo on this post was taken by me at the exhibition - you can see more about this exhibition HERE.

Let us pray.

Loving God, we acknowledge the great sacrifice that the women and men who served in WWI made.

We recognise that many of our nations across the globe are in a state of conflict and war, so we pray for peace and reconciliation for all peoples.

We pray in Jesus’ name, who summons us all to be peacemakers…


Revd Sara Iles,
FCG Education Assistant