Are you and your church based in the West Midlands?

As you may already know, the Free Churches Group have been developing ways in which our member churches can get involved in Further Education and the life and work of chaplaincy in our local colleges…. you can read more about our work in general in this arena HERE.

If you or your churches have connections in the West Midlands, you may wish to know more about the WMCFEC….

The West Midlands Churches’ Further Education Council exists to:

  • Support colleges in the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students and the training and resourcing of staff in matters of faith and spirituality

  • Support churches in valuing FE and lifelong learning as part of their wider involvement in education, and providing resources and training to partner colleges in their work

There are lots of links and resources to check out, whether you are in West Mids or further afield… Many colleges in the West Midlands are looking to developing their work and engage chaplains - perhaps there are people in your churches who would be able to use their gifts in local colleges…? Find out more and get involved HERE.