40 Seconds of Prayer

FCG have created a working relationship with Festive, the Christian charity supporting those in further education (FE). You can read more about the work of Festive HERE. Each month they publish prayers for their work. Pray with us….

As we approach Christmas many Christian Unions and chaplains we support are running Christmas events and outreach initiatives.  Please pray for these events happening across the country, that many students will be challenged to consider and receive the greatest gift ever given – Jesus Christ! Below are some specific prayer requests for this month:

  • Praise God for the 39 new student contacts we have signed up this term, from two youth events this last month and from our new college work in Northern Ireland.  This makes almost 400 student contacts now in total!  Pray for our team of student support workers and staff who have needed to take on extra contacts to meet this growing work.  Pray that as we write to and pray for these contacts that we would be able to inspire and equip many to live out their faith in a radical way during their time at college.

  • Christians in Cornwall are looking to find a way to fund and appoint a chaplaincy co-ordinator who will oversee the chaplaincy work for all the 16-19 year olds in the county. This could be a very strategic post. Pray that God will provide the funding for it to happen, and a person with a heart for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus who will be able to take up the opportunity.

  • Numbers are slipping down in the CU at Alton College and Caroline, who leads it, is feeling very discouraged. Please pray for her and other CU leaders in a similar situation that they would be strong and persistent, and not give up.

  • ‘I’m still wrestling with the idea of knowing and feeling God’s hand on my life and which way to go’, writes Bethany. She is not alone. Many students are struggling through UCAS applications and planning Gap years or work after they leave college and the pressure of making all these big decisions can feel immense. Pray for Bethany and others like her, that they will learn to trust God in new ways and know the peace he gives.
    Thank-you for your prayers. The Festive Team