Learning really can transform your life!

When was the last time you learned something?

Was it on a course...., at a Bible study...., while listening to a sermon...., while reflecting in the summer sun...?

Learning has great power in it - it can feel daunting or inspiring or both to learn something new, but it is pretty much always transforming.... 

"Learning really can transform your life!" That's the message from Ruth Spellman, Chief Executive Officer, Workers’ Educational Association (WEA). You can read her full article HERE.

I recently took a course with the WEA on the ecology of the county I live in - it was so awesome to learn about the geology, botany and archaeology of where I live and walk every day! 

Each year in England the Learning and Work Institute encourage us to have a go at a new course, celebrate lifelong learning and get involved with learning in our communities.

You can read more about the Festival of Learning and get involved by clinking HERE


Sara Iles, Education Assistant, Free Churches Group