Praying at a new level…

Thousands of young people, up and down the country, are getting ready to sit their GCE Advanced (A) Level exams at schools and further education (FE) providers. You may have children, Godchildren, nieces or nephews of your own who are busy revising.... or you may know of young people in your church and community who are awaiting the start of these... or you may just wish to be part of the wave of prayer surrounding all young people across the nation at this challenging time... Join us as we pray for them, as they prepare for and sit these important exams... 

Let us pray. Loving God, we ask to bless and uphold all those who are preparing for and sitting GCE A Level exams this year.

We ask that you give them courage and wisdom in their endeavours. We pray that you will sustain their teachers and exam invigilators in supporting the students and conducting the exams with integrity and diligence.

Living God, we know that this can be a time of stress and challenge, so we humbly ask for Christ's peace to prevail for all at this time. We pray that each and every student will be able to perform to the best of his or her ability. 

May they all know the courage and grace of God and bring to mind the passage from Philippians... "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." 

We ask all this in the name of Jesus, our teacher and friend, Amen

You can find out more information about Christian groups who work with FE students by checking out Festive HERE

Scripture reference from the New Living Translation - Philippians 4:13