Grow in your faith and learn with art....

The Free Churches Group have recently been supported by the Westhill Endowment to carry out a project for RE resources about Reforming Christianity.

Westhill also have an amazing and inspiring range of art and crafts exhibits which your church or community group can hire, free of charge, to display. These resources are beautiful, wide ranging and thought-provoking. The CreateTalk Touring Faith Exhibition Scheme aims to encourage conversations, enable reflections and inspire action by visitors from the local community to your exhibition.

You can find our further information and arrange your exhibition by checking out Westhill's website HERE

I have seen many of the art works first hand and can testify that they are inspiring and have helped me to learn and grow in my Christian journey.

A friend and colleague from the URC, Elizabeth Gray-King, has a range of paintings you can hire from Westhill. You can read more about Elizabeth's work HERE. The painting on this link is by Elizabeth and is entitled Hear

Sara Iles, Education Asst, FCG