A new fairer deal...

A House of Lords Select Committee is calling for a fairer deal for students, for their studies, after they leave school...

We often hear the expression that things are not a level playing field. Many young people moving on from school into further and higher education, particularly those in vocational or work placed studies, or from lower income families, experience an unfair system. You can read all about this in the pamphlet HERE.

The House of Lords Select Committee have also made a really informative short film about these issues. You can watch the 3 minute film HERE. It raises some crucial issues about equality, justice and fairness... 

The Free Churches Group Further Education and Higher Education Working Groups are committed to speaking up for and tackling things which affect fair access and prevent all students engaging in studies, which enable them to fulfil their God-given potential and live 'life in all its fullness'. 

Get in touch and tell us what you think about the issues the Lords Select Committee raises: FCG Education Asst - Sara Iles at sara.iles@freechurches.org.uk

Please join us as we pray for the work of the Lords Select Committee as they work towards raising these issues and speaking up for fairness in our post 16 education funding... 

Further info HERE