Free Church Voice in Education

There is a role for a Free Church voice in education, both generally and in relation to religious education and spiritual development. The FCG have been involved in educational development and strategy for many years; most recently in supporting our member groups and churches to engage more fully with their wider communities and education sectors - schools, further and higher education. You can read more about our work HERE.

On 24th January, staff from the FCG and members of Further Education (FE) Working Group met to take the FE work on to the next steps. You can read all about the progress so far and find out how your church can get involved HERE.

Those in attendance at the meeting (pictured from left to right) - Professor Graham Handscomb (FE / FCEC), Sarah Lane Cawte (FCG), Sara Iles (FCG), Dr John Wise (FE/ FCEC), Rev Paul Rochester (FCG)

24th January also marked the United Nations International Day of Education. We had much to give thanks for, to discuss and to pray about….

Let us pray…

Living God, we pray for students, tutors and support staff in the further education establishments in our area.May students be filled with strength, determination and wisdom to fullfil their potential in their vocational and academic studies. In the name of Jesus, we pray.
