What does freedom mean to you? And are you free?

What does freedom mean to you? If I was to consult the dictionary it might tell me that freedom is the “power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants” or “the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved”. I could say that I feel particularly free when I am on holiday or when I am in prayer. Freedom might mean very different things to us depending on our background or current circumstances.

With inspiration from Psalm 111:9, this is the question that Prisons Week illuminates in the resources and prayers for our churches to share and pray through from 13th-19th October.

‘He sets his people free.

He made his agreement everlasting.

He is holy and wonderful.’

(Ps. 111:9 NCV)

In the opening sentences for this year’s Prison Week prayer sheet, we read that, “God’s will and intention for all his people is freedom – the freedom to be the people he created them to be.”

Download your free prayer sheet and share in your churches and groups.

For over forty years Prisons Week has prepared prayer literature for the Christian community to use as they pray for the needs of all those affected by prisons: prisoners and victims, their families, their communities, those working and volunteering in prisons and the criminal justice system.

(photo courtesy of Aaron Burden @ Unsplash)