Say, Do, Pray

The Free Churches Group have a happy fruitful working relationship with the Pray for Schools network. Pray Day is the third Tuesday of November every year when schools across Europe and around the world are the focus of prayer. As an addition to this Pray Day on 19th November, we hope that Christians will join us during the week of 18th to 22nd November and take part in #SayDoPray

Say something encouraging; Do something kind; Pray for a friend.

Do get involved and pray for your school:

• By telling young people about our campaign

• By using Social media to promote #SayDoPray

• Just praying on your own,

• Running a prayer meeting or a Prayer Marathon in your school for pupils and/or staff,

• Organising a prayer evening for everyone from your church,

• Setting up a stall in or outside a school and offering to pray for pupils and staff,

• Leading a school assembly about what prayer means to Christians,

• Teaching an RE lesson on how and why Christians pray.

• Prayer Walking around your local school and area – see our video

• Giving a gift of a plant or a cake to the teachers in your school

What could you do?

Say, Do Pray… join in and create a wave of kindness, prayer and action across our nations

(photo courtesy of Rae Goldman at Unsplash)