Human beings have incredible value, says a prison chaplains association's recent report... — Free Churches Group

Human beings have incredible value, says a prison chaplains association's recent report...

Human beings have incredible value…. that’s the title of the report from our very own Rev Bob Wilson, who is currently serving as the Vice Chair of International Prison Chaplains Association in Europe. The Committee of the European IPCA met in Norway earlier in the autumn.

Bob writes: “As we gathered together as the IPCA (Europe) steering committee in Oslo this autumn we were reminded time and again of the importance of seeing value in each other. Over the 72 hours that we were together, we visited two prisons, talked with prison staff, prisoners, prison managers, attended a lecture and discussed plans for the IPCA 2022 Quinquennial conference…. Chatting with prisoners over dinner, as they walked around the prisons, as they got on with their work, when they had sung to us in the chapel really did emphasise that valuing people, listening to people, getting to know people, seeking to understand people is truly transformative.”

You can read Bob’s full report HERE.

Date for your 2020 diary - We are encouraged by the Association to pray for this vital work on 25th August. This date in the International Day of Prayer for Prison Ministry.

Lord God, Blessed are you, creator of the universe. You have called us to serve you in bringing good news to the poor and liberty to those in prison. Look with kindness upon all who serve you in this ministry, grant us the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of your mission to all. Fill our hearts with zeal and perseverance as heralds of the Gospel. Amen

(photo courtesy of Chuttersnap at Unsplash)

The International Prison Chaplain’s Association (IPCA) has its roots in Scandinavia where Prison Chaplains from Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden have held biennial conferences since 1973. It is now a worldwide organisation across 6 global regions… In Europe… The FCG Secretary for prison chaplaincy and the Free Churches Faith Adviser, Revd Bob Wilson, serves as the Vice Chair for IPCA Europe UK.