Forty seconds to pray for colleges

As part of our ongoing work with the Further Education Christian charity, Festive, we invite you to pray with us, at FCG, for…

  • Emily is an RE teacher in the greater London area. She has had some really interesting conversations with other staff and is planning to run an Alpha course for them. She already has five staff members signed up. Please pray that her colleagues would be deeply challenged by the message of Jesus and feel compelled to offer their lives to him.

  • At the last Festive staff team day we spent some time praying specifically by name for non-Christian friends of many of our contacts. Luka, later wrote to tell us that his friend Joe became a Christian that day. We had been praying for Joe at our meeting. Praise God for a wonderful answer to prayer! Please continue to pray with us for the non-Christian friends of our many student contacts that they would be open and respond to the good news of Jesus!

  • Varndean is a huge college but the CU is only very small – just three or four people. Thank God for Gemma who has been leading it faithfully for two years now. As exams approach and she has to pass leadership on to others pray that God would supply motivated and eager people in Y12 to take it on. Pray for other CU’s leaders around the country who are also looking to pass on the leadership of their CU’s ready for next year.

  • Last month we asked you to pray for us as we had lost our free office space and urgently needed to find some more. Praise God, for he has provided for us in a wonderful way with a great new office, for free! Please continue to pray for Festive’s financial needs as two funding streams come to an end in three months’ time. Pray that God would wonderfully supply all that is needed for the work to continue and to grow.

You can read more about the work that FCG have been doing in the field of FE HERE

You can download and share this FE FCG flyer in your churches too HERE

Photo credit courtesy of Diana Simumpande at Unsplash