Bedtime stories...

What kind of memories do you have been read to as a child? Perhaps you have children of your own and you have shared bedtime stories with them? Perhaps you have had to spend time away from your family which was difficult for you? Every year in the UK 200,000 children experience the imprisonment of a parent.  Many of us, from across our churches and communities, will have experience of this, as it affects so many children. It is very hard being separated from your family in this way, but there is some amazing work going on to support families - you can read all about Lewis Hardy and how he has got through things….

Lewis was struggling in prison, feeling isolated from his young family and increasingly "cold". Then he was shown a way of doing something that many parents take for granted - reading to his children - and everything began to change. He tells us about his challenges and how he got through the tough times in a recent BBC news article which you can read HERE.

This work is part of the amazing work which is done by a charity called Storybook Dads.

You can read more about their vital work and why they do it HERE

This work helps keep a connection between prisoners and their families.

Read on and see the hope that this has given to Lewis…

Perhaps your church could help support this work by fundraising, volunteering or buying their beautiful greetings cards - see here for further information and ideas and click on How You Can Help

We thank God for the work done by all the volunteers and staff at Storybook Dads and ask God’s blessing on the children and families whom they support.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash by Picsea