Life in all its fullness...

We are delighted to announce the publication of a new report entitled: LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS: The Free Churches and schools: a report and recommendations from the Free Church Education Committee

This is a comprehensive report which includes lots of helpful background information on, for example, how our schools are organised, the place of religion in schools and what difference Free Church members can make to our schools.

The report has inspiring and grounded recommendations on how to take this work forward; these recommendations will form the basis of the ongoing work of the Free Church Education Committee and our member churches / groups.

We are grateful to those who have contributed to make this report so full and far-reaching.

Please join us as we continue to pray for the work of the Free Church Education Committee. Lord God we pray your blessing on all who work in education, that they may see the kingdom come; We pray your blessing on all who influence education, that they may see your will be done; We pray for all who are receiving education, that they may receive their daily bread; We pray for all those who have received education, that they may share their gifts with all your children; Send us out to live and work to your praise and glory, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Prayer from Education Sunday resources

Dates for your diary - Pray for Schools Fortnight 12th-26th May 2019; Education Sunday this year will be on Sunday 8th September.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash by Annie Spratt