Serving as a college chaplain; serving God in the community

Across the UK, there are hundreds of further education colleges. There’s probably one in a town near you! Colleges are exciting and dynamic places of learning, training and development for young people and adults. Student support and chaplaincy services are vital to enable students to make the most of their lives at college, as they chart through the challenges and opportunities which they encounter.

What is life like for a chaplain in a college? You can read all about the work and witness of a chaplain here. Cathy, the chaplain featured here, works with Festive - a UK based Christian charity working in FE

What could you do?

What could your church do to link up with your local college?

Check out further information and the FCG action flyer here to learn more about how to get involved.

Let us pray… Living God, we pray for students, tutors, chaplains and support staff in the further education establishments in our area. May students be filled with strength, determination and wisdom to fulfil their potential in their vocational and academic studies. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

(Photo courtesy of Unsplash)