The power of a second chance! A church and community working in partnership

There are lots of exciting and varied ways in which our FCG member churches / member groups are involved in serving their local community and working in partnership to make the lives of people more fulfilling. You can read about the work that a United Reformed Church (URC) in South East England is doing to help this fulfillment come to fruition. Learning in a local centre can be a really powerful way for adults to gain in confidence and have a second chance to develop their skills, even if their school life didn’t go to plan.

They have had a new lease of life at the church and made some excellent links with people from all walks of life. Read their story HERE.

What might you do? How could your church develop something similar?

You can download this free resource which has prayers for the education sector and is full of ideas on how to go about making links.

Join with us as we pray… Living God, we pray that you will guide and inspire all those adults who are embarking on training to improve their employment prospects. We uphold in prayer all those seeking support and new learning, to help give them a second chance in life and learning. We pray for the tutors and church partnerships with local learning providers, that they have the courage, wisdom and stamina to support the students. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

(Photo courtesy of Helena Lopes at Unsplash)