"The breathing sacrament of chaplaincy"

In May 2019, a profound and interesting piece was published by a university student about her experience of chaplaincy whilst studying.

Shanika Ranasinghe writes, “University chaplains champion faith presence and practices on campus. What is sometimes less obvious is that they are part of university well-being teams: there for anyone of any faith, denomination or none, for pastoral support. Personally, chaplains have been a lifeline whilst battling health issues – indeed, a chaplain was the only reason I left my first university alive.”

Please join us as we pray for the vital work of chaplains in our universities:

At the start of the academic year (autumn)
Merciful God, we pray for all those starting university courses for degrees and vocational programmes. We know this is a time of great change, so we humbly ask that you uphold and guide the students at this time of transition. Living God, we pray for the parents, carers and church families who are waving off their church / family members who are embarking on university courses. Give the parents, carers and our churches the courage to be brave about this change in their family and church community, as they see their loved ones go on to a new phase in life.

Throughout the year
Majestic God, as students aim higher and develop their God-given potential, give students firm foundations in your wisdom, rooted in your love and stability. We pray for the tutors and chaplains in universities - loving God, give them the wisdom, clarity and patience to support the students and staff with compassion. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen

You can download resources and prayer sheets to help your churches to support work in universities and other educational sectors HERE

(image courtesy of Hannah Grace @ Unsplash)