Coming up to the end of term...

Many of us know children in our families, churches and communities and are well aware that the end of term is fast approaching.

This is often a time which is eagerly looked forward to by children and parents / carers as it is good to have a break from the school regime. It can also be a time of mixed feelings, as the long summer break often exacerbates family tensions and particularly issues around food poverty. I recently visited a Congregational Church (CF are FCG members) who are making meals available for all the children locally during the summer break, as they have noticed a shift in the ability of some families to be able to provide during the holidays.

What does your church do? How might your church be able to offer support?

Last summer the Trussell Trust published an article and report about the needs of families over the summer. You can read this here.

Join us as we pray for children, young people and their parents and carers during the summer holidays.

Help them, loving God, to reach out to one another, in peace and love, and help them to reach out to those in their communities who can offer support, so they can assist and support, where needed.

We pray for churches and community groups who are showing the love of Jesus by providing meals, fellowship and activities to support children over the summer holidays.

May these be a great time of sharing and compassion. May new relationships between churches and local families be nurtured during this time.

Join us as we pray for our schools… for teachers and support staff who are approaching and much needed break, at the end of the academic year and for their families and communities.


(photo courtesy of Jason Ortego at Unsplash)

Sara Iles, FCG Education Asst