Forty seconds to pray...?

The Free Churches Group has been developing active links with the Christian charity, Festive, who are dedicated to support students and staff in further education. You can subscribe to their newsletter here to keep in the loop with their important work.

Each month Festive give their network the opportunity to join with them to pray for the specific needs of the lives of those in further education. So join with us all this month, as we pray together….

Seems like the summer is finally here! Colleges and sixth forms around the country start to wind up for the summer and students and staff look forward to a break. Half of our contacts will be heading off to university or employment and many Christian Union’s will have already been handed over to younger students.  Here are some prayer requests for July that should take no longer than 40 seconds to read through:

  • Joshua asked for five copies of ‘Beyond Beans on Toast’ (an evangelistic book we produce and send out for free for year 13 leavers) to give to his friends who are not Christians yet. Pray that God would use the books to lead Joshua’s friends to himself. Pray for the hundreds of other copies of this book we have sent out this term. Pray that God would work powerfully through them.

  • Joe at Sir John Deane’s is excited that a non-Christian has started to come to the CU. Normally only three come along, all Christians. Pray for this girl. Pray that the girl would be drawn into the wonderful truth of God’s Word and put her faith in Jesus. Pray that CU’s across the country would be welcoming places where non-Christians can feel comfortable attending.

  • When Sharon became a Christian her father, who brought her up and is a practicing Pagan, rejected her, and she had to move in with her grandmother. Pray that God would keep her strong and give her grace for every situation. Pray for many other students who have met Jesus this last year through CU’s, chaplaincy and friends at college. Pray their faith and relationship with God would grow and flourish.

  • Becci is new to chaplaincy at Shrewsbury College and just finding her feet. Pray for her that over these summer months that God would be building her up and equipping her for all that lies ahead from September. Ask God to make her very effective for the Kingdom in the place he has called her to.

Thanks for praying. Love from, The Festive team

Please share these prayers in your churches, house groups and networks…

(Photo courtesy of Igor Rodrigues at Unsplash)