Global day of prayer for prison ministry on 25th August...

The Free Churches Faith Adviser to the Prison Service, Revd Bob Wilson, serves as the Vice Chair to the International Prison Chaplains Association (IPCA).

We are encouraged by the Association to pray for this vital work on 25th August. This date in the International Day of Prayer for Prison Ministry.

Please use this material in your homes, churches and communities, so that those in prison ministry around the world can come together as one in prayer on this day.

For the last ten years the IPCA Steering Committee has invited all those involved in prison ministry around the world to come together in a special day of prayer on 25th August, the birthday of IPCA. We would like to thank members of IPCA Oceania for arranging this year’s programme.

The logo for the Global Day of Prayer, Peter’s release from prison, was painted and given to IPCA by Jesper Nave.
