A rolling prayer diary for each day of the month...

It is perhaps quite logical for us to think about students at the beginning of the academic year…. each September. It is a time of great change as students get used to living away from home and settling into a new home and church community.

Often the first few months can be the hardest, so students need our on-going support and prayer as they chart their way through the first few months.

The Student Christian Movement (SCM) has designed an easy to use rolling prayer calendar which you can use in your personal devotions and at your church to pray on each day of the month.

You can download this here.

SCM says, “Your prayers for the movement are very much appreciated. Our prayer calendar has a specific prayer item for each day of the month, including SCM groups across Britain, Link Churches and Link Chaplaincies, our volunteers and the staff team.”

(photo courtesy of Alexis Brown at Unsplash)