Love Our Schools.. Pray for our schools

Love Our Schools is an initiative of Pray For Schools. FCG has been an active and passionate supporter of Pray for Schools for many years, as well as being members of their steering group.

We are pleased to share with you: Love Our Schools. This will take place from 2nd to 16th February 2020 and there are lots of ways in which your church and community groups can get involved.

Here is an extract from their website:

“All through the year hundreds of prayer groups meet together to pray because they want to support their local schools. As we look forward to the new hope that springtime brings, we thought it’d be great to encourage Christians up and down the country to join together to ‘Love our schools!’ “

Here’s a prayer from the resources shared in 2019, written by Lisa Jones, Scripture Union’s representative on the Pray for Schools Steering Group.

Thank you Father for our schools. We praise You Lord, for You are full of love, peace and hope. Please help us to be people of good news sharing your love, peace and hope into schools. Please help us to build good relationships with everyone. Please help us to be peace makers when there is tension and stress. Please help us to bring hope when there is despair and dejection. Please help us inspire others to be joyful when there is much to celebrate. Please help us demonstrate your love.


Why not get the dates in your diary now? Check out the website for the resources for 2020 in late January.

(photo courtesy of Karly Santiago at Unsplash)