As students go off to university for a new term, pray with us...

To help you to pray for students from your churches as they head off to begin a new term in 2020, and to support your church, your young people and family in this time of transition… The FCG Free Church Education Committee launched a range of flyers last autumn that can support you all. Feel free to download, print and share…

Join with us as we pray…

Merciful God, we pray for all those on university courses for degrees and vocational programmes. We know this is a time of great change, so we humbly ask that you uphold and guide the students at this time of transition.

Living God, we pray for the parents, carers and church families who are waving off their church / family members who are embarking on university courses. Give the parents, carers and our churches the courage to be brave about this change in their family and church community, as they see their loved ones go on to a new phase in life. Amen

(photo courtesy of Sincerely Media at Unsplash)