Dying Matters 2020 - launch event on 22nd January

Dying Matters is led by Hospice UK and aims to raise awareness of dying, death and bereavement. They are hosting a launch event for the year’s activities on 22nd January in Birmingham. See HERE for further information and how to book your place.

Dying matters… End of Life care, for those who are dying, their relatives/carers and staff, is one of the core activities for healthcare chaplains. FCG hosted the round-table discussion concerning end of life care and they were very well received. Many chaplains will already be involved in Dying Matters weeks and it follows on well from the round tables.

"Talking about dying and death is the last taboo. People who are dying can feel very isolated,” reports Revd Meg Burton, the Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy for Free Churches. Meg goes on to say that…” Often, when people do want to talk, their relatives don't, because they find it too hard to accept that their loved one is dying. This Awareness Week is looking at dying from the dying person's perspective and will give ideas for people to help encourage conversations."

The Dying Matters Awareness Week will be from 11th to 17th of May this year and the theme will be: Dying to be Heard

Click HERE for further information and how to book your place on the launch event.

(photo courtesy of James Hose Jr at Unsplash)