United in lockdown

United in lockdown - this is the theme for the week of prayer hosted by Prisons Week (11th -17th October).

Rt Revd Rachel Treweek, Bishop of Gloucester, Church of England Bishop for Women’s Prisons writes, “Prisoners know all about lockdown in ways which are far starker than the ‘stay at home’ experience people have lived during the viral pandemic. However, beyond the walls of prison people of all ages have had to learn how to navigate uncertainty and many people feel fearful, bewildered and out of control. In past months there was a loss of freedom to be with loved ones, even when at the point of death. For some people there has been overwhelming pain and sadness. Some people have felt lonely and isolated whilst others have longed for space away from other people. All of this is experienced within the walls of prisons 365 days a year.”

You can get involved and download the poster and prayer sheet here. There is also a deeply moving film which has been made for sharing and marking this week of prayer - You are not alone.

Rt Revd Rachel Treweek goes on to say, “This Prisons Week as we pray for all those connected with the criminal justice system in any way, including all prison staff and families of prisoners as well as prisoners themselves, let us not talk of social distancing but rather of physical distancing. Let us pray for social connection and restored relationship and an openness to the generous love of God who longs to draw close to every individual person, treasured and known by name. We pray that amid both places of brokenness and beauty there might be a discovery of inner freedom and peace which is rooted in the love, hope and peace of God revealed in Jesus Christ and present through the power of the Holy Spirit, never locked down.”

(photo courtesy of Paul Garaizar at Unsplash)