'Do not be afraid...'

Did you know that the phrase ‘Do not be afraid…’ is mentioned in the Bible 365 times?

On a recent phone conference church service, one of their members supporting leading devotions, who is a friend, sang the hymn, Do Not Be Afraid by Gerard Markland (1978). I found it a comforting and uplifting song to hear, shared with others, over the telephone receiver in these unsettled times.

In these strange days, we may be feeling afraid about all sorts of things… having to develop greater emotional resilience… needing to support others to develop new ways of coping with changing circumstances… finding new patterns of being. We know God is with us in all we do, through good and bad times., so we can take heart in that… and be encouraged.

The Christian organisation, BeSpace, has produced and shared an interesting and engaging range of resources for prayer activities at home, including the one below about being brave.

BeBrave: BeSpace activities to bring a sense of peace and calm to your life…

(As part of our partnership work for the Free Church Education Committee, we are members of the Pray for Schools network, working alongside lots of other dynamic and engaged Christian organisations. One of the other groups who are also on the Pray for Schools network is BeSpace)

(photo courtesy of Melissa, aged 15, who is a Gateway college student)