A letter of support and encouragement for our prison chaplains... and us all

A letter to update and encourage prison chaplains from Revd Bob Wilson,

Secretary for Prison Chaplaincy and Free Churches Faith Adviser

Revd Bob writes: “You will all have heard by now that communal worship, meditation and study in prisons are to be cancelled with immediate effect.  I can assure you that the decision was made very carefully and is, as far as I know an unprecedented one. It was made with the purpose of safety and care and is in line with what is happening in the community… …The situation does I think present us with what will be a ‘new normal’ for some time and our wisdom as to how we continue to be church and to serve one another safely and with confidence will truly be a challenge to us in the days to come. But we do continue to rely on our Lord who is the source and provider of our strength.”

The full letter was sent to Free Church prison chaplains in late March. Even if you are not directly involved in prison chaplaincy, I think the letter is a great encouragement for us all in how we can continue to serve God and serve the most vulnerable in these challenging and unprecedented times. I am grateful to Revd Bob for writing and sharing the letter with us.

Blessings to you all, and God’s strength be with you.

Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer

(photo courtesy of Jeremy Yap at Unsplash)