Pray with us for the AGM of The Welcome Directory

Meetings have changed quite a bit in recent weeks, but steering groups and management committees are still maintaining contact with each other when they can, albeit remotely and online. The AGM for The Welcome Directory is taking place on 29th April. In these unprecedented times, the ways organisations can deliver their services and support their clients are also changing, so we hope and pray that the AGM can discuss and plan a positive way forward together.

Please join with us as we pray for all the

partners of The Welcome Directory,

the AGM participants,

for those they seek to serve, on release from prison,

and for the faith groups who offer a place of welcome.

You can sign up for their newsletter and find out more about registering your faith community to support prisoners on release HERE.

The Welcome Directory: ‘Helping faith communities welcome people who are leaving prison.’

(photo courtesy of Karly Santiago at Unsplash)