Cultivating patience...

Ah, cultivating patience… I wonder how our patience may have been tested in new ways in recent days. I wonder if we have discovered unexpected channels of patience in ourselves? When we consider the definition of this word, we find it means the “quality of being willing to bear adversities, calm endurance of misfortune, suffering.” Certainly something that is necessary in these strange times, but one that we can also develop and strengthen, through prayer, increasing self-awareness and sharing honestly with others.

A prayer activities sheet, which has been designed for use by families at home, is on the theme of patience… it begins…

“Christians believe that we should practice being patient. This can sometimes be difficult when we are waiting for something or being annoyed by someone. It means we need to be quiet rather than complaining and smile when we might not want to. But being patient can also bring us and the people we know and love... peace.”

BePatient: BeSpace activities to bring a sense of peace and calm to your life…

By way of background for FCG: As part of our partnership work for the Free Church Education Committee, we are members of the Pray for Schools network, working alongside lots of other dynamic and engaged Christian organisations. One of the other groups who are also on the Pray for Schools network is BeSpace… BeSpace is a Christian charity who encourages churches to work together to see prayer and reflection spaces happening in all areas of the community. Their vision to see every child, young person and adult connect with God in their daily lives from the school into the home.

(photo courtesy of Bekir Donmez at Unsplash)