Free Church Education Committee work continues...

In the strange and challenging times, things are quite different. The way we meet and share has changed greatly, but the Free Church Education Committee (FCEC) work continues apace, with and on behalf of our member churches and groups.

Papers are being prepared during May for our next Committee meeting, which will be held via Zoom, in June. There is much work to do and so your prayers are welcome as we prepare for the meeting. We were unfortunately unable to meet for our Spring Residential this year, but we are planning on making some good progress, as a Committee, when we next ‘meet’ in June.

Cover photo: Further Education (FE) Working Group - a group commissioned by the FCEC - who last met earlier this year.

From left to right:

Professor Graham Handscomb (FCEC Chair), Sarah Lane Cawte (FCG Education Officer), Rev Sara Iles (FCG), Dr John Wise (FE Working Group Chair), Rev Paul Rochester (FCG General Secretary)