Resources for children, young people and families

It seems likely that some children may return to school in a few weeks’ time (recognising, of course, that some have been attending all along). However, they probably won’t be attending full-time, and some year groups may not return for some time yet. It is also unclear when churches will be able to resume their usual activities for young people.

We’ve collected links to resources that some of our member churches and other organisations have developed to help children and young people learn at home, for families to enjoy together, and ideas to support well-being at an anxious time.

Resources for: Children, Young people and those who work with them, Families, Students, Parents, Mental health and well-being, Bereavement and grief

We’re delighted to see so much creativity and we’ll continue to add to our list as we find new treasures.

You can download, use and share there HERE.

(photo courtesy of Sharon McCutcheon at Unsplash)