Pentecost Sunday - prayers with and for the Prison Fellowship

Prayers from the Prison Fellowship for Pentecost Sunday 31st May

Let us pray…

Come once again Holy Spirit as our advocate, our counsellor and our helper.

Give us Your Fire, that we may burn to see justice and truth in this world;

Breathe into us, that we may bring Your life to all we encounter;

and speak into us Your words of hope, that we may see lives renewed and transformed,

in Jesus’ Name. Amen

The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years. Last year the Prison Fellowship celebrated 40 years of working with prisoners… their mission is : “to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them.”

Find out more about their work HERE.

(photo courtesy of Jon Tyson at Unsplash)