Ministry on the edge: a free webinar for chaplains in higher education on 15th July

The Free Churches Group are hosting a free webinar for chaplains in higher education on 15th July from 2 p.m. until 3.30 p.m. This is entitled: Chaplaincy: ministry on the edge - Exploring and communicating the value of chaplaincy in today’s universities.

Exploring the value of Higher Education chaplaincy in the context of

the COVID-19 crisis and in an environment where budgets are being cut.

Please register HERE

Universities, like all other parts of society, have had to implement rapid change and are facing enormous challenges. Higher Education chaplains have had to work out how they can continue their ministry when campuses are empty and students and staff are operating online.

Some chaplains have been furloughed, and many are feeling vulnerable. Some have been busier than ever, whilst some have struggled to know what to do.

The COVID-19 crisis has had a huge impact on university finances, and managers are faced with big decisions about whether to cut some services.

In this webinar, we will explore the value of chaplaincy from the perspectives of research, university management and churches. There will be an opportunity to think through how your ministry is part of the missional life of the church, why the continuing provision of chaplaincy is essential for the life and health of the institution, and how to communicate the value of chaplaincy to different audiences, including management committees and employers. Presentations from our speakers will be followed by group discussions.

The webinar is for Higher Education chaplains. The emphasis will be on the Free Churches, but chaplains from any tradition are welcome to join. It will be recorded and available on the Free Churches website as some chaplains may wish to invite their managers to watch the webinar at a later stage.

Further further information and to register for this event (through Eventbrite) click HERE

(photo courtesy of Sylvia Zhou at Unsplash)