Be yourself....

Be yourself… At the beginning of the Bible, we are reassuringly proclaimed to be made in God’s image…: “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them.” (Genesis 1:27, NRSV).

I wonder if you have felt more yourself in these strange and turbulent times we have been going through? …or perhaps you feel like parts of the old self, which you appreciated are missing now, due to lockdown?

It can be hard to work out who we are sometimes, especially when we are under pressure or our circumstances are changing beyond our control… our relationships with friends and family might be shifting. We might need help with supporting children in our care to think about how we can all best be ourselves… help is at hand…

BeSpace activities to bring a sense of peace and identity to your life...BeSpace has created a worksheet to work, play and pray through… They say, “Christians believe that we are called to be ourselves... that we all have different gifts,are made differently and are totally unique and God thinks that we are totally awesome.” You can download this free resource HERE.

You could also use this worksheet to support children’s activities with families in your church.

As part of our partnership work for the Free Church Education Committee, we are members of the Pray for Schools network, working alongside lots of other dynamic and engaged Christian organisations. One of the other groups who are also on the Pray for Schools network is BeSpace… BeSpace is a Christian charity who encourages churches to work together to see prayer and reflection spaces happening in all areas of the community. Their vision to see every child, young person and adult connect with God in their daily lives from the school into the home.

(photo courtesy of Inga Gezalian at Unsplash)