Chats with chaplains and managing the maelstrom... — Free Churches Group

Chats with chaplains and managing the maelstrom...

Like others, chaplains in schools and colleges are facing changes and challenges in the way they work. Instead of face-to-face meetings and conversations (except, in some cases, with the limited number of students and staff in schools), they are finding new ways of supporting and encouraging their communities.

Maggie Everett, Lead Development Officer for the Centre for Chaplaincy in Education, was joined on Zoom by chaplains from a range of schools and colleges to record some ideas for chaplains to use in their work with staff and students.

Additionally, Toni Coulton (Chaplaincy Central) joined Maggie to share some thoughts about the usage of metaphors to frame conversations about this time of pandemic, as well as some lessons we might learn from chaplains who have been in extreme situations. In this recording we were delighted to include some pupils from Abbey Grange Church of England Academy in Leeds, who told us what they would like to say to their chaplain and something they would like their chaplain to do for them. Powerful stuff in ‘Moving through the Maelstrom’.

There have been some interesting and helpful conversations going on to support chaplains in schools and colleges in these challenging times, facilitated by the Centre for Chaplaincy in Education and partners. We are pleased to be able to share a range of short films with you.

During a week in May 2020, Maggie Everett, Lead Development Officer for Centre for Chaplaincy in Education, was joined on Zoom, by several chaplains (FE College /Church School and non- church school and primary school) to record some ideas they have found have worked with staff and students in the past few weeks.

Do take a look (the links are both on our website and below). ‘Chats with Chaplains’ 1 and 2 are around 15-20 minutes long. These videos emerged from discussions with St Peter’s & Saltley Trust, the Free Churches Group, Chaplaincy Central, the Methodist Church and the Church of England and Maggie is grateful for their interest and continued partnership.

Managing the Maelstrom [ password 7G%&?=^# ]

Chatting with Chaplains #1 [ password 3J$E86?$ ]

Chatting with Chaplains #2 [password 5K?.RhQS ]

Centre for Chaplaincy in Education has also been gifted the privilege of being a partner organisation with the Church of England, in their recently launched initiative: #Faithathome. This really exciting collaboration involves a diverse range of organisations who are all working on supporting families, schools and churches by delivering high quality resources and opportunities for exploring faith at home. The Centre are facilitating the Chaplains’ Stream of this and will be letting you know what is planned as soon as possible.

Other exciting developments in the field of chaplaincy in education can be read about here, along with the Centre’s newsletters.

(photo courtesy of Abigail Keenan at Unsplash)