To show Christ’s love to prisoners...

“To show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them” - that is the mission of Prison Fellowship and for the last 40 years they have been working with, supporting and praying with and for prisoners across England and Wales.

The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years.

Find out more about their work HERE. And great news! Prison Fellowship’s prayer diary for July is out now!

You can read and pray through their July Prayer Diary HERE.

To get our praying hearts off to a flying start this month, here is their prayer for today:

Loving God, help us even in these hard times, to trust that You are who You say You are, and that You are living and active in our lives, and the lives of everyone in prison. Amen

(photo courtesy of Lina Trochez at Unsplash)