Get ready for Education Sunday: A learning people in a time of change

Education Sunday is on 13 September this year.

A range of resources is being developed, including an online service, ideas you can use if you are meeting in church, and outlines for collective worship in schools. They’ll be available shortly on

There are two ways in which you can make a contribution to Education Sunday before September:

  • Write a prayer about education, connecting with the theme. Anyone of any age is invited to do this.

  • Think about what you have learnt in this time of change. Write it down and send it, ideally with a photo of yourself (stating your permission for us to use it). You might have learnt something about yourself, something about your community, something about God – we’d love to know, and we’ll include these in our online resource.

If you’re sending a prayer or telling us what you’ve learnt, please send them to:

(photo courtesy of Joanna Kosinska at Unsplash)