Latest news and prayers from the Christian charity who work in further education - FESTIVE

The Free Churches Group has been developing productive working relationships with Festive, the Christian charity who actively engage with the Further Education sector. We have been doing this to strengthen strategic links and to empower our FCG member churches to be able to engage more with the world and the life, issues and joys of Christians in FE (see link to FCG church resources below). (Festive stands for Further Education and Sixth Form Initiative).

You can read the latest news from Festive HERE. Why not subscribe HERE to their newsletter so you can keep in touch with their work?

In the month’s edition, there is lots to read, learn about and pray for, including….

  • Prayer for students & workers in FE

  • Interview with Miriam Lay, who supports a Christian Union in the north east

  • Some updates for your prayers

“For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus

and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you,

remembering you in my prayers..” Ephesians 1:15

You can find out more about the work FCG has been doing in the world of further education and check out our resources to support churches HERE.

(photo courtesy of Scott Webb at Unsplash)