Global Day of Prayer for Prison Ministry coming up on 25th August - join us

There will be a Global Day of Prayer for Prison Ministry on 25th August.

For the last 12 years the IPCA Steering Committee has invited all those involved in prison ministry around the world to come together in a special day of prayer on 25 August, the birthday of IPCA. Each year one of the regions prepare the prayer day program. Here’s the link to liturgy resources for the Global Day of Prayer for Prison Ministry in a variety of different languages. You are encouraged to share the resources among your colleagues and church networks. The theme for this year is: the Grace of God

Please encourage your church fellowships to get involved by praying in your homes or by safely physically distanced in your churches (as appropriate). Join with the Free Churches Group and many other ecumenical partners across the globe for the International Prison Chaplains Association (IPCA).

The Free Churches Faith Adviser to the Prison Service, Revd Bob Wilson, serves as the Vice Chair to the International Prison Chaplains Association (IPCA).

IPCA’s mission is: Uniting, encouraging and equipping... a global network of prison chaplains as they share God’s love and restoring justice.

(image courtesy of IPCA website)