On the radio! All across prisons in the UK... pray with us and the Prison Fellowship

This Sunday we are encouraged to pray with Prison Fellowship for the work and ministry of the National Prison Radio…

I recall giving a live radio interview from a poky little BBC studio in Oxfordshire some years ago! A nerve wracking, but rewarding experience.

The Interview was to share news about the youth mentoring programme I was a tutor and mentor for. The mentoring scheme was part of the work that the Youth Offending Team were doing in partnership with local Christian charities. As a result of the radio programme, many more mentors came forward to volunteer on the project. Hallelujah! All my radio broadcast nerves were worth it!

Radio can be a powerful medium to reach people. The Sunday morning service which the Prison Fellowship is hosting later this month has the potential to reach thousands of prisoners and to touch their hearts. May it be a blessing to all who tune in! (Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer)

So let us pray for the PF and their service and for all those who tune in…

Prayer for Sunday 23rd August -

Prison Fellowship is hosting the Sunday morning service that is broadcast on National Prison Radio today. Pray that those who tune in will be encouraged and challenged by what they hear. Amen

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers…

You can find out more about the work of the National Prison Radio HERE.

You can download the prayer diary for August and pray alongside the PF and partners HERE.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,

so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans 15:13

The Free Churches Group and our work in prison chaplaincy have worked with The Prison Fellowship (PF) for many years.

(image below from NPR and cover photo courtesy of Naadir Shahul at Unsplash)
