Ten ways to pray for schools

As you may know, the Free Churches Group has been an active and dedicated member of the Pray for Schools steering group for many years. Our work with them has been ongoing throughout recent months and we know that primary and secondary schools, as well as the wider education sector have been facing considerable challenges in recent months. They are in need of and grateful for our prayers and concern…

Across the UK, we are invited to pray for our schools. A helpful prayer sheet has been designed to help guide us in our prayers for schools, inspired by verses from Holy Scripture.

You can read and pray through this HERE.

Please feel free to share with your church and community groups too.

Father, please pour out Your blessings upon our whole school community so that everyone grows in the knowledge of Your truth, love, wisdom and peace. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.

Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.’

John 16:24 (NIV)

** Note for your diary - 17th November - Pray Day for Schools **

(photo courtesy of Kelly Sikkema at Unsplash)