Prayers for keeping schools safe...

I cherish being part of the Pray for Schools steering in my education role with the FCG.

And I have a passion for prayer and for our schools. And I know our schools need our prayer and care in these times more than ever…. so join with me and the partners and friends of Pray for Schools as we pray for schools…

Pray for Schools have developed a wonderful prayer resource to help us all to be guided through the support of verses from the Holy Scriptures, to pray for the needs of our schools.

Over the next ten week days, I will be sharing one of these prayers, so we can pray them together.

Prayers for keeping schools safe...

Search for peace, and work to maintain it.

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right,

and His ears are open to their prayers.’

1 Peter 3:11,12 (NLT)

Let us pray:

God our Saviour, please keep our schools safe and secure, protected from accidents and other problems. Restrain anyone who might cause harm to children and adults in any way.


(photo below from PFS website and cover photo from Humble Lamb at Unsplash)
