FCG is seeking to appoint a new Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy

We are seeking to appoint a new Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy - for further information and for details on how to apply please see HERE. The closing date is on 21st September. Interviews will be during week commencing 12th October.

Our aim is to provide support to healthcare chaplains from the Free Churches and to grow and maintain effective links with them, chaplains of other denominations, faith and belief groups in the UK and NHS England.

We are looking for a Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy (working part-time; 21 hrs p.w.) to provide leadership in this field. At this time of unprecedented change, it is an opportunity to strengthen and re-shape how the Free Churches engage in healthcare chaplaincy.

For further information

Please feel free to share this vacancy across your network and to other interested parties. Thanks!


(photo courtesy of Christina @ wocintechchat.com at Unsplash)