Praying for children with additional needs...

“Each talented, each different, each valued…”

That was the motto at the Quaker school I attended as a child. This is a great motto to live by and one that the school I attended more than lived up to. I was quite good at languages and singing; others were good at netball and maths… we were all different with different gifts… each were seen as talented and valued

In my working life these days I am part of the excellent Pray for Schools steering group who encourage us to pray for our schools!

Today I am sharing the Bible verse and prayer, praying for children with additional needs…

‘Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart.’

Matthew 11:30 (NLT)

Let us pray…

Lord Jesus, please help children in school who are facing many kinds of challenges and equip and encourage their teachers and carers.


(photo courtesy of Soraya Irving at Unsplash)

(Sara Iles, FCG Media Support Officer)