Praying for administrative and support staff in our schools

A couple of years ago I worked as an exam invigilator. It was an unusual role in many ways as it required me to be on my feet for hours on end, looking vigilant, maintaining a professional air, yet still looking calm and caring!

Being part of the team of administrators and support staff in that school during the exam period was certainly an interesting and thought provoking time. Often when we think of schools, we think solely about the children and teachers, but I know from my work as part of the exams’ team that administrators and support staff, along with the teachers and many other staff, play a vital role in keeping the school functioning well, and supporting the children. (Sara Iles, FCG)

The Pray for Schools team, partners and friends have a real heart for prayer and for showing God’s love through prayer and caring for our schools…. so join with us as we Pray for Schools, at the start of the new year…

They have developed a wonderful prayer resource to help us all to be guided through the support of verses from the Holy Scriptures, to pray for the needs of our schools.

Over the next few days, I will be sharing one of these prayers, so we can pray them together.

Do you have the gift of helping others?

Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies.’

1 Peter 4:11 (NLT)

Let us pray… God our helper, please bless and unite all those whose expertise and enthusiasm contribute so much to the smooth running of our schools. Amen

FCG is part of the Pray for Schools steering group and values the work we do alongside them all.

Dates for your diary

Education Sunday 13th September

UK wide Day of Prayer for Schools 24th September

Pray Day for Schools 17th November

(photo courtesy of David Pennington at Unsplash)