Nine days to go... until Education Sunday

Education Sunday 2020 will take place on Sunday 13 September.

The theme for 2020 is "A learning people in a time of change".

There are all sorts of inspiring and interesting resources for you to share in your churches, home groups and networks… You can access all the materials HERE.

Among the content available, there’s an outline for a time of all age worship, prayers and sermon notes. There is also a wonderful film (which will be premiered on 13th Sept at 9.30am).

More about the film…. “This act of worship was created by the United Reformed Church Children's and Youth Work national team and friends on behalf of Churches Together in England. It will premiere on Education Sunday, 13 September 2020, and will remain active for viewing after that date. Join us as we celebrate as a Learning People in a Time of Change.” (image below is a ‘still’ from the film)

(cover photo courtesy of John Thomas at Unsplash)
